1Rahmat Sholihin, 2Amelia Rahmaniah
1,2Faculty of Sharia, Antasari State Islamic University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i9-15Google Scholar Download Pdf
Allah swt has universally positioned men as having several advantages compared to women, as Allah swt says in the Al-Quran, Surah An-Nisa, verse 34. Men must provide family support to their wives and children, thus requiring them to actively try and work to meet the household's needs. In some religious literature, it is stated that men are the backbone of the family, while women are created from crooked ribs. On the other hand, the persistence of women in their careers and businesses can be seen, especially in several areas in South Kalimantan. This research will focus on three areas, namely Banjarmasin, Martapura and Bati-bati. The Banjar community in that location has its characteristics from the perspective of the female workers. In Banjarmasin, there are women Gojek Online; in Martapura, there are women "Kelelepon" sellers; and in Bati-bati, there are women farmers. This study aims to understand the concept of dual roles for women, namely as workers and educators, explore their motivations in working and understand the attitude of society towards them, among who like and dislike their work and seek comparative solutions to various "gender" issues that develop among the Banjar community. This research is a field research with an anthropological approach.
KEYWORDS:Banjar women, workers, educators
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Volume 06 Issue 09 September 2023

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