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Training, Innovative Behavior and Performance: Empirical Studies in Private School
1Viktoria Dalima, 2Richardus B. Toulwala, 3Konfridus R. Buku, 4Anastasia M D Batmomolin
1,2,3,4STPM Santa Ursula, Ende, Flores, NTT
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i8-09

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An immediate requirement exists for high quality human resources capable of providing a competitive edge to the organization. This quantitative descriptive study aims to examine the impact of training on teacher innovative behavior and performance. By practicing the stratified random sampling technique, 126 teachers from a private school in Jakarta, Indonesia became research respondents. Data collection using a questionnaire. Data was processed and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS software. The results revealed that there was a positive effect of training on teacher innovative behavior and performance. Thus, training can be used as an effort to develop human resources in organizations, especially innovation and performance.


training, innovative behavior, performance, teachers, private schools


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