• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840


The Impact of Physical Activity and Psychologycal Health of Indonesian Education University Students during Covid-19 Pandemic
1Dikdik Najmu Ramadan, 2Bernadeta Suhartini, 3Nur Indri Rahayu, 4Ali Munir
1,2,4Department of Sports and Health Sciences, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
3Departement of Physical Education and Health, Education Indonesia Yuniversity, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i8-08

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The purpose of this study was to examine differences in levels of physical activity and psychological health based on the gender of UPI students during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used Is quantitative with research design comparative causation. The population in this study was active students at the Indonesian University of Education. The sample in this study amounted to 345 people who were taken using the technique cluster random sampling. The instrument used in this study was the GPAQ (Global Physical Activity Questionnaire) to measure the level of physical activity and PGWBI (Psychological Well Being Index) to measure psychological health. The research was conducted online by distributing questionnaires on the Google form and then spreading them on social media. The research analyzed using Mann Whitney u and independent sample t test. The statistical test results show that the data shows a sig value for the physical activity variable of 0.000 < 0.0, meaning that there is a significant difference regarding physical activity based on the gender of Indonesian University of Education students during the Covid-19 pandemic. With an average value of 203.76 for men and 151.22 for women, the level of physical activity for men is better than for women, and the sig value for the psychological health variable is 0.000 < 0.05, meaning that there is a significant difference significant regarding psychological health variables based on the gender of Indonesian University of Education students during the Covid-19 pandemic. With an average score of 72 for men and an average score of 65 for women, the psychological health level of men is better than women.


Physical Activity, Psychological Health, GPAQ, PGWBI, Psychology.


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