1Thesya Alda Nia, 1Ahmad Nasrulloh, 3Ali Munir
1,2,3Department of Sports and Health Sciences, Yogyakarta State University, Jl. Colombo, Karang Malang, Caturtunggal, Depok District, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i8-07Google Scholar Download Pdf
Speed in mawashi geri kicks is a very important element in supporting an achievement in professional athletes. This requires various superior conceptuals in order to optimize mawashi geri kicks in terms of speed, one of which is providing the right training program such as modifying the spint and speed ladder. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the effect of sprint modification training and speed ladder training on increasing mawashi geri kicks in Kempo female athletes in Bandar Lampung City. The method used is pseudo-experiment, with pre-test and post-test designs. The sample was used by 30 athletes who were divided into two experimental groups with a division technique using ordinal pairing. The instrument used is the mawashi geri kick test. The results showed that. (1) There is a significant influence on the modification of the sprint technique on the speed of mawashi geri kicks with the results of data tcount = 4.08 > ttable = 2.042 with α = 0.05. (2) There is a significant influence on speed ladder training on mawashi geri kick speed with data results tcount = 8.69 > ttable = 2.042 with α = 0.05. (3) Speed ladder training has a significant effect on the speed of mawashi geri kicks with the results of data tcount = 2.16 > ttable = 2.048. Thus, it can be concluded that in the final test there was a significant difference in the effect of mawashi geri kick speed between the sprint and speed ladder modification groups. So that speed ladder training is significantly more influential when viewed from the average increase in the final test of the two groups, and the implications of this study can educate trainers that these two training models can have a positive impact on mawashi geri kicks.
KEYWORDS:Sprint, Speed Ladder, Kick, Mawashi Geri, Athlete.
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