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Students’ Writing Ability and Their Attitude: Examining the Effect of Online PjBL
STAI Al-Munawwarah Tolitoli, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i8-68

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This study examines the effect of online PjBL on students' writing abilities and their attitudes toward online PjBL. A mixed method was employed in this research. 72 students majoring in English at a university in Indonesia took part as participants with informed consent. Two groups—control and experimental—were formed. The experimental group utilized online PjBL, whereas the control group used traditional teaching. Tests, questionnaires, and interview questions were employed to collect data. The collected data were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The findings of the research showed that the mean score of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group. Furthermore, an independent sample t-test revealed that the sig. value was 0.023 = 0.05. It indicated that there is a significant effect of online PjBL on students’ writing ability. Furthermore, the students showed positive attitudes toward the implementation of online PjBL. It is indicated by the students’ responses to the questionnaire, where thirty out of thirty-six students indicated that they strongly agree that the online PjBL makes them more comfortable writing an argumentative essay. Seven out of ten students interviewed said peer feedback activities improve writing the most in online PjBL. Recommendations for further researchers were also provided.


Students' Writing Ability, Attitude, Online PjBL (Project-Based Learning), Effect, Examining

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