1Phung Thi Huong, 2Nguyen Van Luan
1,2University of Labour and Social Affairs, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i8-66Google Scholar Download Pdf
The article uses two research methods, which are the document review method and the qualitative research method. Research results have clarified the entire goal set out in the article. The theoretical basis of facilities and the role and regulations of facilities for higher education institutions are presented in detail in the theoretical basis of the article. Next, the results of the interviewees were statistically analyzed and presented in the article. With the average assessment results, the facilities of the University of Labor and Social Affairs still need to be changed and upgraded soon to ensure training quality. The authors also based on the existing points in the construction of facilities at the University of Labor and Social Affairs to offer some solutions to improve the quality and best serve training activities in the future.
KEYWORDS:Facilities, Higher education institutions, Learners, University of Labor and Social Affairs
REFERENCES1) Ry, V. T. (2004). Textbook of Facilities Management in High School, Academy of Educational Management, Hanoi
2) Thao, H. M. & Truyen, H. T. (2003). Market Research, Education Publishing House, Hanoi.
3) Government, Decision 70/2014/QD-TTg, Decision on the promulgation of the University Charter, Prime Minister, Hanoi
4) Circular No. 12/2017/TT-BGDĐT, Promulgating regulations on accreditation of higher education institutions. Education Publishing House

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