1ThS. Bùi Thị Thu Hà, 2Ths. Phùng Thị Vân Kiều và, 3Ths. Nguyễn Thị Thanh Mai
1University of Labor and Social Affairs
2Viet Nam Institute of Strategic and Policy for Industry and Trade.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i8-59Google Scholar Download Pdf
Through the method of document research, analysis, and synthesis, the article has reviewed the current situation of logistics services in Vietnam during the period of 2017 to 2022. Accordingly, this service is developing at a relatively high rate but still some limitations such as incomplete legal policies, desynchronized infrastructure or small-scale Vietnamese logistics enterprises, lack of human resources and international operational experience. The article also points out that the cause of the above existence is the lack of an overall development strategy, the lack of inter-sectoral coordination, and Vietnam's current weak logistics human resources. Based on the existence and identified causes, the authors have proposed a number of solutions to remove difficulties for logistics service activities in Vietnam. Completing institutions and policies, developing infrastructure in a synchronous manner and increasing connectivity, improving business capacity and service quality, and training and developing logistics human resources are the solutions that have been proposed given in the article. Through these solutions, the authors hope that Vietnam's logistics service will have a breakthrough development in the future.
KEYWORDS:Solution; Logistics; Develop; Reality; Vietnam
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