1Arifiana Nur Hanifah, 2Kustini Kustini
1,2Business and Economic Faculty, Management Program, Universty of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i8-57Google Scholar Download Pdf
A company needs maximum performance produced by an employee. Good performance is one of the important factors in the company's success rate. So to support this performance, the company needs to pay attention to the distribution of workload according to the portion and the level of employee discipline applied. This study aims to determine the performance of PDAM Tirta Dhaha Kediri City Engineering Division employees through the influence of workload and work discipline. As one of the companies engaged in services in the Kediri City area, the Company is required to provide maximum service. This often leads to an increase in the workload given so that it has an impact on reducing performance. In addition, the lack of employee discipline will reduce performance. The population of this study were engineering division employees with a sample size of 39 respondents. The sampling method uses saturated sample technique. The data analysis used in this research is Partial Least Square (PLS). Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that workload and work discipline have a contribution to employee performance.
KEYWORDS:Workload; WorkDiscipline; Employee Performance
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