1Tundjung Herning Sitabuana, 2Tatang Ruchimat, 3Dixon Sanjaya
1,2Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Tarumanagara University, Letjen S. Parman St, Grogol, West Jakarta,Indonesia
3Student, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, Kenari Raya IV St, Senen, Central Jakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i8-54Google Scholar Download Pdf
A good and healthy environment in a sustainable manner is part of human rights that need to be fought for, especially regarding plastic waste. Today, plastic waste has polluted land and water areas, due to limited management and the slow handling of waste management so that it affects climate change due to carbon gas emissions produced. Based on this awareness, the Government issued the Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Number 75 of 2019 concerning Roadmaps for Reducing Waste by Manufacturer. In fact, there are still very few Manufacturers who voluntarily create and implement a waste reduction roadmap. Therefore, this study examines the effectiveness of Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation Number 75 of 2019 concerning Roadmaps for Reducing Waste by Manufacturer from the normative aspect (with a statute approach) and sociological (with a qualitative approach). This research used secondary data that obtained through literature study, and primary data obtained through observation. All the data analysed qualitatively with content analysis. The results of the study show that Regulation of Minister of Environment and Forestry Number 75 of 2019 concerning Roadmaps for Reducing Waste by Manufacturer has stipulated an obligation to manufacturers to create a roadmap for waste reduction. Problems occur in implementation due to lack of manufacturer participation which is influenced by 2 (two) factors, namely (1) economic factors because the transition to environmentally friendly materials will affect production costs; and (2) regulatory factors due to lack of socialization, lack of transparency in supervision, and the absence of sanctions for manufacturers who are negligent or intentionally not making and implementing a waste reduction roadmap.
KEYWORDS:Effectiveness of Regulation, Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation, Producent and Manufacturer, Waste Reduction Roadmap, Human Rights Protection
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