Anahita Ghanad
Veritas University College, Malaysia
DOI : Scholar Download Pdf
The phrase "research" refers to seeking knowledge. It is a scholarly and systematic search for relevant knowledge on a specified subject. The Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries defines “Research” as “A careful study of a subject, especially to discover new facts or information about it”. Research is a philosophy of systematic study that critically investigates several aspects of professional work, including development of prominent concepts that manage a particular process, and development and analyse novel theories. In accordance with Woody (1927), research includes identifying research problem, creating hypotheses, collecting, analysing, and assessing data and making inference. As a result, research is a distinctive contribution that advances the current knowledge via investigation, observation, comparison, and experimentation. To put it in a nutshell, research is the pursuit of knowledge through a methodical approach to problem-solving.
KEYWORDS:Quantitative Research, Research Methodology, Quantitative
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