1Isroni Astuti, 2Yunita Laila Astuti
1,2Midwifery Department, Health Polytechnic of Health Ministry Jakarta I, Jakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i8-45Google Scholar Download Pdf
Labor pain is a physiological process, but it can cause frustration and despair, so that some mothers worry that they will not be able to get through the labor process. Mini Note was designed as a mini guide book that help expectant mothers to understand pain during labor. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the Mini Note use for management of labor pain against maternal pain perception in dealing with labor pain. Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted from September to November 2022. Respondents were third trimester pregnant women with a total of 60 respondents which were divided into 2 groups namely intervention and control group and consisted of 30 participants in each group. The study compared mothers’ pain perception between the two groups before and after the intervention. A demographic questionnaire and the Visual Analog Scale were used to collect data. This study used cross-tabulation and chi-square to analyze demographic information. Independent samples t-test and multivariate linear regression were used to determine the relationship between the intervention carried out and mothers’ pain perception in facing labor pain, the relationship between parity and pain perception in the face of labor pain, the relationship between the weight of the fetus and pain perception in facing labor pain, as well as multivariate linear regression in order to analyze the most associated factors with labor pain. Results: The most influential factor on maternal pain perception in dealing with labor pain was the use of mini note, after being controlled with parity variables, baby's weight, mother's knowledge and age. Conclusion: The use of Mini Note was effective to increase maternal pain perception in dealing with labor pain.
KEYWORDS:Mini Note, Labor Pain, Mother Pain Perception
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