• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840


Electric Throwing Wheel from Repurposed Bucket, Ceiling Fan Motor, and Sewing Machine Regulator for Pottery Demonstration
1K. P. Daniel, 2E. Ochai, 3E. Abubakar, 4T. J. Ibrahim
1,2,3,4Department of Industrial Design, Modibbo Adama University (MAU), Yola
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i8-42

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The cost of electric potters’ throwing wheel keeps soaring high even when throwing yet a course that firmly exists and is valued in the ceramic production process besides other forming techniques in art/design schools. The challenge herewith is the need to look for cheaper alternative electric throwing wheels through local fabrication to alleviate the impending high cost of imported ones and the general scarcity of potter’s wheels for demonstration in a simple ceramic studio setting by improvising available materials. The experimental-based methodology was deployed by sourcing and assembling the required components – an electric potter's wheel using a sewing machine regulator, iron bucket and basin, German plywood ½ inch, 1inch screw nails, bolts, and nuts, and 3 pin plug head. The principles of the ‘development cycle’ and the ‘rotational kinetic energy (RKE’ were adopted. The results of the study revealed that: the electric has the capacity speed of 200rovulation per minute (rpm) sufficient to center a-2kg of a well-prepared mass of leather hard clay - 50 rpm cylinders and bowls of various heights and widths up to 6" (height) and 5" (width) are viable; the repurposing of the conventional functions of the water bucket and fan the provision of air into an electric throwing wheel was successful. In conclusion, the study showed some success. The recommendations of the study include thus: further improvement as the focus of this one (project) is primarily to proffer a concept even though the topic is relevant to both product and service design; adoption of improvisation through repurposing for the mass construction of wheels as an alternative to the costly imported ones should be encouraged.


Repurposing, electric throwing wheel, electric fan motor, sewing machine regulator, pottery demonstration


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