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  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840


Wages Divergence and Malfeasance with Tea Garden Workers in Bangladesh: A Comparative Analysis with Suggestion for the Policymakers
1Md. Mahabub ul alam khan, 2Amrin akter, 3Rupa nur, 4Samir sourob chowdhury
1llm (professional) candidate, Jagannath University and legal associate, the lawyers & jurists.
2lecturer, department of law, daffodil international university.
3,4llb (hon’s), department of law, daffodil international university.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i8-41

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The research "Wages Divergence and Malfeasance with Tea Garden Workers in Bangladesh: A Comparative Analysis with Suggestions for Policymakers" aims to explore the wage disparity and malpractice issues among tea garden workers in Bangladesh. Using a comparative analysis, the study examines the differences in wages among tea garden workers and identifies malfeasance in the sector. The study finds that wage disparity exists among tea garden workers, with women workers receiving lower wages compared to their male counterparts. Moreover, the study identifies malpractices such as bribery, illegal wage deductions, and the use of child labor in the tea garden sector. It provides policy suggestions such as increasing the minimum wage rate, ensuring transparency in wage payment, and enforcing laws to eradicate malfeasance in the sector. It also highlights the need for policymakers to address the wage disparity and malpractices in the tea garden sector to ensure the welfare of tea garden workers in Bangladesh. Study finds that tea garden workers who are members of trade unions receive higher wages compared to non-unionized workers. It further identifies the impact of climate change on the tea garden sector in Bangladesh. The research highlights the need for a gender-sensitive approach to address the wage disparity among tea garden workers. It recommends that policymakers adopt measures to promote gender equity in the sector, such as providing training and education opportunities for women workers.


Wages Divergence, Malfeasance with Tea Garden Workers, Child Labor, Labor Laws and Regulations, Living conditions of tea garden workers


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