1I Made Suardana, 2Prof.Dr. Johannes Ibrahim Kosasih, SH., M.Hum, 3Dr. I Nyoman Sukandia, SH., MH
1,2,3program studi magister kenotariatan, program pascasarjana, universitas warmadewa, denpasar
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i8-37Google Scholar Download Pdf
This thesis examines the legal protection of citizens' rights in relation to urban infrastructure development, focusing on the case of the planned construction of the Gatot Subroto-Canggu Road in Badung Regency, Bali. The study aims to analyze the legal framework surrounding land acquisition for public infrastructure projects and its impact on citizens' rights. The background of the research stems from the increasing demand for infrastructure due to economic growth and the need to balance public interest with individual property rights. The research explores the legal and regulatory context of land acquisition for public projects in Indonesia, emphasizing the importance of citizens' rights and just compensation. The analysis delves into relevant laws and regulations, including the Basic Agrarian Law and regional spatial planning regulations. The study also examines the specific case of the Gatot Subroto-Canggu Road development, which has encountered challenges in terms of land acquisition, resulting in uncertainties for affected citizens. Based on interviews and legal analysis, the research finds that citizens' rights have been overlooked in the planning and implementation of the Gatot Subroto-Canggu Road project. The lack of clear regulations and timelines for the project has led to legal and economic uncertainties for affected citizens. This situation raises concerns of potential violations of the principle of non-arbitrariness and the right to just compensation. The study contributes to the understanding of legal protections for citizens' rights in the context of infrastructure development and underscores the significance of harmonizing public interest and individual property rights within the Indonesian legal framework.
KEYWORDS:Infrastructure Plan, Road Development, Legal Protection, Resident's Rights, Gatot Subroto-Canggu
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