Ruichao Li
School of Translation Studies, Xi’an Fanyi University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
DOI : Scholar Download Pdf
English teaching is essential to computer-aided translation technology (CATT). It can improve students’ learning efficiency and cultivate their comprehensive ability. It can also promote China’s cultural dissemination and international exchange. This paper mainly introduces the characteristics of computer-aided translation technology and how to effectively apply it to real life to analyze and study its significant impact on our daily work. Then this paper designs an English teachingassisted translation model based on computer-aided technology. Then the performance of the English teaching model is tested by simulation. The test results show that the accuracy of computer-aided translation is more than 92%, and the translation time is within 10s. This shows that the model can meet users' needs and provide constructive suggestions and opinions for English teachers to improve English teaching.
KEYWORDS:Computer-aided translation technology, English teaching, practical application, performance, English teaching model
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