• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840


Problems of Learning Sports and Health Physical Education in the Special School
1Risdiyanto, 2Wawan Sundawan Suherman
1,2Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i8-30

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This study has the main objective of describing a situation concerning the problems of physical education, sports and health in Special Schools which focus on: (1) Analyzing the process of preparing for physical education in SLB (2) Analyzing the process of implementing Physical Education learning activities in SLB and (3) Analyzing the form of physical education learning assessment in SLB. This study uses evaluation research methods. Data were analyzed using the Countenance Stake Model. This model emphasizes two types of operations, namely descriptions and judgments, and distinguishes three phases in the evaluation of Physical Education learning in SLB, namely: (1) preliminary (antecedent) stage, (2) process (transaction) stage, (3) ) stage of results (outcomes). The subjects of this study were school supervisors, school principals, physical education teachers. Data collection techniques in this study using interview techniques. Research data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate: (1) the preliminary stage (antecedent), namely the description of Penjasorkes learning is good, because the learning objectives have been adapted to the conditions of the students, the teacher has qualifications so that they are able to compile semester programs, syllabus and lesson plans, the condition of supporting infrastructure, teacher understanding on learning strategies and having mastery of Penjasorkes learning materials; (2) the process (transaction) stage, namely the description of Physical Education learning is quite good because the implementation of Physical Education learning is in accordance with the curriculum, namely using integrative thematic learning with a scientific approach and carrying out authentic assessments; (3) the outcome stage, namely the measurement of the results of the teacher's assessment which includes aspects of attitude, knowledge.


learning problems, physical education and health, special school.


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