1Nyoman Satria Wibawa Gunawan,2Johannes Ibrahim Kosasih,3Nengah Renaya
1Student of Post Graduate Program of Notary University Warmadewa, Bali, Indonesia. 2Lecturer in Post Graduate Program of Notary University Warmadewa, Bali, Indonesia. 3Lecturer in Post Graduate Program of Notary University Warmadewa, Bali, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i8-26Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research is a normative legal research that examines the legal force of the deed of statement of meeting resolutions made before a notary based on a private minute of the general meeting of shareholders (a case study at PT Eco Environmental Energy Indonesia), the focus of this research is the legal force of the deed of statement of meeting resolutions made before a notary based on the minutes of the private general meeting of shareholders in the case study of PT. Eco Environmental Energy Indonesia. The focus of research is on the extraordinary general meeting shareholders held at PT. Eco Environmental Energy Indonesia as there were indications of unlawful acts that make the deed of statement of meeting resolutions (PKR) drawn up before a notary null and void. The study employs the evidentiary law theory, which utilizes the statutory, analytical, and case approaches. The analysis concluded that the deed of statement of meeting resolutions number 56 was null and void, due to flaws in the formal requirements specified in the Limited Liability Company Law in the holding of the EGMS on May 21, 2011, which violated laws and regulations, causing the deed of statement of meeting resolutions to lack valid material proof power as an authentic deed.
KEYWORDS:Deed of Statement of Meeting Resolutions, General Meeting of Shareholders, Limited Liability Company, Act Against The Law
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