1Lastri Wiyani, 2D Darnengsih, 3Andi Aladin, 4Mustafiah Mustafiah
1,2,3,4Departement of Chemichal Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Muslim Indonesia,jalan Urip Sumoharjo Km 05, Makassar, south Sulawesi, 90231, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i8-20Google Scholar Download Pdf
Mayonnaise is a semi-solid food ingredient produced by mixing vegetable oil with an emulsifier consisting of vinegar and egg yolks, and sugar or salt can also be added to taste. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of egg yolk on the physical and organoleptic properties of mayonnaise made of virgin coconut oil (VCO) and coconut water. Mayonnaise is typically produced by mixing egg yolk (0, 5, 7, 9, 11) %, salt, sugar, xanthan gum, mustard, lime, coconut water and VCO (coconut water : VCO ratio = 4:1). Furthermore, homogenization was carried out using ultra turrax for 4 minutes at 15000 rpm until mayonnaise was formed. Analysis was carried out on viscosity, stability, organoleptic tests (color, taste, aroma, and texture) and chemical tests (moisture/water content, fat content, and protein content) as well as total plate number. The results showed that mayonnaise made of virgin coconut oil had stable properties. The highest viscosity value was 1040 cP in the concentration of 7% egg yolk. An increase in egg yolk content decreases the viscosity of mayonnaise. In organoleptic testing, it was found that the combination of coconut water and 7% egg yolk had a neutral preference for taste. For the color aspect, the results found were included in the like category, while for the aroma aspect, the results was included in the neutral category. The result found was classified as like for texture aspect. When compared to SNI 01-4473-1998, mayonnaise with a combination of coconut water and 7% egg yolk had a water content of 76.75% higher than SNI (max 30%), fat content 12.49% lower than SNI (min 65%), protein content 2.21% meets SNI requirements (min 0.9%), and total plate count (TPC) 2.7x102 colonies/gr meets SNI standards (max 1x104 colonies/g). Therefore, the mayonnaise produced in this study is classified as low fat
KEYWORDS:Egg Yolk, Mayonnaise, Virgin Coconut Oil, coconut water
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