1Dimas Tegar Mahardhika, 2Agus Kristiyanto, 3Febriani Fajar Ekawati, 4Slamet Riyadi
1,2,3,4Sports Science Study Program, Faculty of Sports, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
1,2,3,4Ir. Sutami Street Number 36, Kentingan, Kec. Jebres, Surakarta City, Central Java 57126, Indonesia
Orcid Id: 10009-0006-6525-2702, 20000-0001-7961-4643, 30000-0002-6101-791X, 40000-0002-6403-7051
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i8-16Google Scholar Download Pdf
The realm of a person's level of satisfaction in terms of various aspects such as physical, psychological, social, activity, material and structural needs is seen as a benchmark for the level of a good quality of life. The purpose is Conditions of the Quality of Life of Public Middle School Students during the Learning Transition Covid-19. In order to achieve learning objectives, a teacher is required to know the current condition of students because good learning should be centered on the conditions and needs of the students themselves in order to improve the student learning process during the learning transition due to the sloping cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia.
Materials and Methods:
This research is a quantitative descriptive research with a survey method approach. Descriptive research is an exposure to the state of the field at the time the research takes place, by not looking for and explaining relationships, not testing hypotheses or not making predictions about research results. Basically, quantitative descriptive research focuses on observation and real conditions during research. In quantitative descriptive research, a researcher is only an observer, a category maker of behavior, a recorder of symptoms in observation notes. The method used is a survey method regarding the completeness of data through research when samples are collected using questionnaires or questionnaires as data collection instruments.
The quality of life of Surakarta City Public Middle School students, seen from the results above during the transitional learning period, has an interpretation of an average value of 97.58 + 9.876. If the interpretation value of the Kidscreen_27 score is higher, it can be assumed that the lower the quality of life of Surakarta City Public Middle School Students. As for the domain that has the highest average, namely the Autonomy and Parental domains of 26.35 + 4.57, while the lowest domain is the Environment domain with an average of 15.42 + 2.42.
The condition of the quality of life of Surakarta City Public Middle School students produces a high average score of 97.58+9.876 indicating that the quality of life of Surakarta City Public Middle School students has low quality because the higher the quality of life value, the lower the quality of life, when viewed from for each domain of quality of life, the highest score is in the Autonomy and Parents domain with a value of 26.35 + 4.55 which means low quality of life for students due to special problems of lack of ability in self-management and relationships with parents or guardians of students. With the finding of the second highest score in the Psychological domain, namely 22.85 + 2.35, which has a direct impact on emotional symptoms and stress symptoms that occur in Surakarta City Public Middle School students.
Quality of Life Conditions, Learning Transition, Covid-19
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