1Choirun Nisyah, 2Suminto A Sayuti
1,2Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i8-10Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to describe the text dimensions of Teun A Van Dijk's model in several online news texts such as (CNBC Indonesia) 5 Aturan Nonton Piala Dunia Qatar dari Alkohol sampai Busana, then online news from (14Kompasiana) Controversy and Positive Impacts of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, and latest online news from (Hidayatullah.com) World Cup 2022: Islamophobia and Solidarity in Qatar. This research exists to describe Van Dijk's model in three dimensions of discourse: discourse text, social understanding, and social context. The results of research on online news discourse texts on the world cup case in Qatar are as a form of understanding social tolerance in eliminating irrationality to show the condition of unity that wants to be conveyed through the World Cup bond in Qatar between western and middle eastern countries that can occur and some participation and cup policies world in Qatar is also a special effort of the government to introduce the country's development to the eyes of the world.
KEYWORDS:Formation of a Positive Image Through FIFA Policy in Qatar 2022, Online News Media, Model Teun A Van Dijk, Discourse Text, Social Understanding, and Social Context
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