1NFN Santuso, 2Akhmad Haryono, 3Bambang Wibisono
1,2,3Master of Linguistics Program, Faculty of Humanities, Jember University Kalimantan street number 37, Tegalboto Sumbersari, Jember Regency, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i8-01Google Scholar Download Pdf
Islamic boarding school (IBS) is educational institutions that incorporate boarding school arrangements, requiring students to reside in the school dormitory. In their journey of living in an IBS, students often experience culture shock due to the cultural differences between their previous living environment and their current residence in the dormitory. This study aims to describe the factors causing culture shock, stages of culture shock, and coping strategies among male students at STP Khoiru Ummah Jember at the junior high school level. The research falls under the qualitative research category with a phenomenological approach. Data collection was conducted through participant observation and interviews using recording and note-taking techniques. Data analysis employed the explanatory method. Based on the research findings, it was found that the culture shock experienced by the students is caused by several factors, such as the packed schedule at the boarding school, the high target of Quran memorization, being far from parents, different characteristics of friends, inadequate facilities and infrastructure at the new boarding school, the boarding school's daily routine, subjects taught, and differences in ethnicity and regional languages. The culture shock experienced by the students occurs in four stages. The time required for students to adjust and become accustomed to life in the boarding school varies significantly, ranging from 2 to 10 months. The students and the boarding school have employed various methods to cope with the culture shock. The coping strategies identified in this research are expected to provide insights for other boarding schools in addressing the culture shock experienced by their students.
KEYWORDS:culture shock, islamic boarding school, khoiru ummah, jember, junior high school
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