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Effectiveness of Self-Talk Training to Improve Self-Confidence, Achievement Motivation, and Performance of Venus Angels Futsal Athletes Semarang
1Slamet Alamsyah,2Agus Kristiyanto,3Fadilah Umar,4Slamet Riyadi
1,2,3,4Sports Science Study Program, Faculty of Sports, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
1,2,3,4Ir. Sutami Street Number 36, Kentingan, Kec. Jebres, Surakarta City, Central Java 57126, Indonesia
Orcid id:1 0009-0001-3535-3872,20000-0001-7961-4643,30000-0003-3371-2613,40000-0002-6403-7051
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i7-65

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Purpose: This study aims to determine the Effectiveness of Self-Talk Training to Improve Self-Confidence, Achievement Motivation, and Performance of Venus Angels Futsal Athletes Semarang. Materials and Methods: The type of research used in this study is a type of quantitative research using pre-experimental methods. The design in this study used a one group pretest-posttest. The normality test uses the Kolmogorov Smirnov Normality Test with the rule that if the value (p) > 0.05 then it is normally distributed. Meanwhile, if the value (p) < 0.05 then the data is abnormally distributed. This normality test is analyzed using the help of the computer program SPSS for windows version 25. The homogeneity test uses the Levene's Test, aiming to determine the variation of the initial sample data, with the rule that if the value of (p) > 0.05 then the data group has a homogeneous variant, on the contrary if the value of (p) < 0.05 then the data group has a heterogeneous variant. This homogeneity test is analyzed using the help of the SPSS for windows version 25 computer program. Test the hypothesis was carried out using the T-test and the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test.
Results: Based on the results of the research that has been done and looking at the statistical descriptive data, it shows that there is an increase in the average before and after being given the Self Talk Training treatment of each variable, namely self-confidence, achievement motivation and athlete performance. The results of the research data from the results of the pretest and posttest of confidence with a sample of 16 athletes, obtained an average pretest data of 52.3125 with a standard deviation of 3.85951 and an average posttest data of 59.0625 with a standard deviation of 3.51129. The achievement motivation variable shows the results of the research data from the pretest and posttest results with a sample of 16 athletes, obtained an average pretest data of 29.6250 with a standard deviation of 2.65518 and a posttest average data of 34.5000 with a standard deviation of 2, 47656. The performance variable shows the results of research data from the pretest and posttest results with a sample of 16 female athletes, obtained an average pretest data of 72.7500 with a standard deviation of 6.45497 and a posttest average data of 76.3125 with a standard deviation of 2, 47656.
Conclusions: Based on the results of the research and the results of the data analysis conducted, it shows that there was a significant increase before and after being given the Self Talk Training treatment of each variable, namely self-confidence, achievement motivation and athlete performance. After being analyzed with the T-test and Wilcoxon signed rank test, it was concluded that Self-Talk Training was effective in increasing self-confidence, achievement motivation, and performance of futsal athletes of Venus Angels Semarang. Participants before and after being given the intervention. The tests above prove that Self- Talk Training is effective in increasing self-confidence, achievement motivation, and performance of futsal athletes of Venus Angels Semarang.


Effectiveness, Self-Talk Training, Self-Confidence, Motivation, Performance, Futsal


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