1Seno Lamsir,2Andreas Eko Nugroho,3Rikardo P. Sianipar
1Master of Theology, STTB the Way Jakarta, Indonesia
2,3Lecturer in Master of Theology, STTB The Way Jakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i7-63Google Scholar Download Pdf
The Research aims to determine the relationship between servant leadership Mat. 20:26-28, and the spirit of service with the growth of faith in the online worship All Nations Prayer Tower Jakarta. Leaders who have the heart of a servant are a must and absolute when carrying out activities for the benefit of the people and the spirit of service will greatly support church leadership to reach congregations for online worship so that they play a greater role in creating faith growth and maintaining Christianity in the church. Research method used is descriptive quantitative with correlational techniques. The results of the study show a very strong one-way correlation of 0.903 between servant leadership and faith growth in online congregations. Enthusiasm to serve has a correlation of 0.771 with the growth of faith in online worship congregations. Even when these two variables are combined, there is a stronger one-way correlation of 0.905 for the spiritual development of the Jakarta All Nations Prayer Tower online congregation. The conclusion from the research is that servant leadership and service spirit are closely related and specifically needed for the growth of the faith of the Jakarta All Nations Prayer Tower Online Congregation, especially in their enthusiasm for carrying out their daily lives. Online worship. This means that church leaders must be able to have the heart of a servant for the benefit of the people in advancing the spiritual development of the congregation for online worship, the Jakarta All Nations Prayer Tower.
KEYWORDS:Servant Leadership, Enthusiasm to Serve, Faith Growth, Gospel of Matthew 20
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