1Phung Thi Huong,2Nguyen Van Luan,3Nguyen Thi Minh Phuong
1,2University of Labour and Social Affairs, Vietnam
31983. University of Labour and Social Affairs, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i7-60Google Scholar Download Pdf
The article has provided an overview of the regulations on foreign language output standards of the Ministry of Education and Training, English output standards and supporting activities in organizing English exams and certificates at the University of Labor and Social Affairs. To accomplish the set research objectives, the authors used quantitative research methods with a sample size of 385 students who participated in the exam and received English certificates. The survey data were included in statistical analysis and multivariate regression. The analysis results show that the service activities in the organization of exams and certification of output standards are highly appreciated by students. All observed variables with the following contents: Exam organization plan, certification; Organize for students to register for the exam; Informing students about the exam schedule and time of the exam; Announcement of exam results and issuance of certificates to students both have a positive, positive impact on students' perceived quality. Especially, the activity of issuing certificates to students who meet the English output standards has the strongest impact. From the analysis results, we also found that the factors included in this study could only explain 27.6% of the dependent factors, which is perceived quality. Therefore, in future studies, we need to pay more attention to and evaluate factors that have the potential to influence such as gender, major, and number of years of schooling of students to better assess perceived quality.
KEYWORDS:Foreign language certificate, Student, Service quality, University of Labor and Social Affairs
1) Circular No. 08/2021/TT-BGGDDT dated March 18, 2021, of the Minister of Education and Training on promulgating the
Regulation on training at the university level, Vietnam Education Publishing House Limited Company
2) Decision No. 995/QD-ĐHĐXH dated May 5, 2023, of the Rector of the University of Labor and Social Affairs on
promulgating the Regulation on training at the university level according to the Circular No. 08/2021/TT-BGGDDT dated
March 18, 2021, of the Minister of Education and Training
3) Decision No. 1838/QD-ĐĐLDXH dated October 27, 2021, of the Rector of the University of Labor and Social Affairs on the
promulgation of regulations on English output standards, assessment and recognition of English output standards for
regular undergraduate students of the University of Labor and Social Affairs.
4) Decision No. 65/2007/QD-BGDĐT of the Minister of Education and Training on the Promulgation of Regulations on
standards for university quality assessment, Vietnam Education Publishing House Limited Company
5) Circular No: 12/2017/TT-BGDĐT dated 19/5/2017 of Ministry of Education & Training Promulgating regulations on quality
accreditation of higher education institutions, Vietnam Education Publishing House Limited Company
6) Plan No. 2892/KH-ĐHĐXH dated December 26, 2022, on organizing the English language proficiency test for regular
students in January 2023, University of Labor and Social Affairs

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