1Stefanus Sugianto,2Andreas Eko Nugroho,3Rulli Jonathans
1Master of Theology, STTB the Way Jakarta, Indonesia
2,3Lecturer in Master of Theology, STTB The Way Jakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i7-57Google Scholar Download Pdf
The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship between discipleship activities, fulfilling the Great Mission of Matt. 28:19-20, and the spiritual growth of congregation in Manna Bengkulu Bethel Indonesia Church. Discipleship activity is used to teach and teach the process of spiritual maturity for those who are born again in Christ. The spiritual growth of the church is important in ministry, and discipleship activities and fulfillment of the Great Mission more important roles in creating spiritual growth and sustaining Christianity in the church. Research methodology with related technologies was used in this quantitative research. The results of this study showed a very strong one-way correlation of 0.830 between discipleship activity related to church spiritual growth. Great Mission fulfillment had a 0.766 correlation with church spiritual growth. Even when these two variables were combined, there was a stronger one-way correlation of 0.844 for the spiritual development of the Community in Manna Bengkulu Bethel Indonesia Church. The conclusion of this research is that discipleship activity and the Great Mission are closely related and specifically needed for the spiritual growth of the Community in Manna Bengkulu Bethel Indonesia Church, particularly in their behavior. That means you have to be careful. To promote the spiritual development of the Community in Manna Bengkulu Bethel Indonesia Church.
KEYWORDS:Discipleship Activity, Great Mission, Spiritual Growth, Matthew's Gospel
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