1Ngoc Ha Tran,2Thi Xuan Huong Le,3Thi Thia Nguyen
1,2,3University of Labour and Social Affairs
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i7-05Google Scholar Download Pdf
Expanding voluntary social insurance coverage is one of the important goals of the social insurance system in Vietnam and many developing countries around the world. This study uses a combination of document research methods, traditional statistical analysis methods; synthesize, compare, contrast, and clarify the theoretical basis for the expansion of voluntary social insurance coverage, the legal provisions on voluntary social insurance policies and the current status of voluntary social insurance coverage in Vietnam. Based on the research results, the authors propose some recommendations to improve the policy and organize the implementation of social insurance, aiming to expand the coverage of voluntary social insurance. Recommendations include: financial incentives through participation and support from the Government, adding short-term benefits to the voluntary social insurance program, reforming administrative procedures and boosting investment application of information technology in the management of the social insurance system, and strengthening communication on voluntary social insurance.
KEYWORDS:voluntary social insurance, voluntary social insurance coverage, expanded coverage, Vietnam
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