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Analysis of Basketball Coach Competency: A Case Study of Student Level Basketball Coaches in Yogyakarta
1Indra Setiawan,2Tomoliyus,3Ardiah Juita,4Ni Putu Nita Wijayanti,5Trisnar Adi Prabowo
1,2,5Department of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
3,4Department of Sport Coaching Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Riau University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i7-47

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The purpose of this study was to analyze and measure the competence of student-level basketball coaches. The sample in this study were 70 student level basketball athletes. There are four indicators of coach competence, namely Motivation Competency, Game-strategy competency, Character-building competency, Technique competency. Data collection was carried out in 5 Yogyakarta schools simultaneously for one day. This research instrument uses a questionnaire and is distributed via the Google form. This questionnaire uses a Likert scale of 1 – 4. Before the questionnaire is distributed to athletes to answer, the Aiken's validity test is first carried out with a value of 0.898 and the Cronbach Alpha reliability test is 0.791. Based on the competency results of Yogyakarta student basketball coaches "very poor" 6 answers (8.57%), "less" 17 answers (24.29%), "enough" 21 answers (30%), "Good" 23 answers (32.86%), "very good” 3 answers (4.28%). However, the weakness of Yogyakarta student basketball coaches is the Character-building competency and Technique competency indicators. This is evidenced by the total answers are very less and less, more than the total answers are very good and good. So that there is a need for special training support, coach training, or basketball coach education through sports colleges, the competency test stages are carried out gradually and periodically so that the competence of student basketball coaches can continue to increase and develop.


Basketball, Coach Competency, Coach Basketball


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