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Development and Validation of Self-Learning Packets in Linear Equation and Inequalities in Mathematics 8
1Melanio V.Neri Jr,2Elmar L.Ancog
1,2Saint Columban College, Pagadian City, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i7-44

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The shift of modality brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Education in the Philippines implemented the Distance Learning Modality, which averted the New Normal. Self-Learning Packets (SLPs), satisfy the challenge of distance learning. This descriptive-developmental study aimed to develop and validate SLPs that is aligned with the Most Essential Learning Competency in Mathematics 8. This study underwent five phases guided by the ADDIE Model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The developed SLPs was very acceptable as validated by five expert validators invited from Saint Columban College and the Division of Zamboanga Sibugay. Selected Grade 8 students were also asked to evaluate the pretest and posttest. Results shows that the developed SLPs in grade 8 Mathematics were generally valid and acceptable as validated by the experts. The SLPs obtained 96.92% compliance in Content and 95.93% in Layout and Design. Paired t-test was conducted to check if there were significant changes of the student’s performance from pretest and posttest. Based on the results there was a significant difference in the scores in pretest and posttest. The mean of pretest and posttest of SLP 1 were 5.10 and 7.30 with mean difference of 2.2 and the mean of pretest and posttest of SLP 2 were 4.60 and 7.20 with mean difference of 2.6, and p-value is lower than 0.05 for both SLPs. The expert validators strongly agreed that the SLPs possesses adequacy, coherence, usefulness, and reliability in equipping and enhancing student skills in linear Equations and Linear Inequalities.


development, validation, self-learning packet, linear equation, linear inequalities


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