1Ricky Bintang Saputra,2Ahmad Nasrulloh
1,2Faculty of Sports Science, Yogyakarta State University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i7-34Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research aims to: (1) Develop a volleyball learning model to improve the forearm and overhead passing skills of the eighth grade students. (2) Figuring out the level of feasibility of the volleyball learning model to improve the forearm and overhead passing skills of the eighth grade students. (3) Figuring out the level of effectiveness of the volleyball learning model to improve the forearm and overhead passing skills of the eighth grade students. This research was a development research using the ADDIE development research model which involved the stages of model development with five development steps/phases including analysis, design, development or production, implementation, and evaluation. Validation was conducted by experts in their fields. The trials consisted of smallscale trials, large-scale trials, and effectiveness tests. Research data collection techniques used questionnaires and AAHPER face pass wall-volley test. The data analysis technique used the Wilcoxon test with the help of SPSS 25 for Windows software. The result of this research is to create a volleyball learning model for the eighth grade students of junior high school which is developed and packaged in the form of a book. The volleyball learning model developed is classified as "proper" and "valid" based on the results of the validation by the experts. The results of the product effectiveness test using the Wilcoxon test gain an average pre-test passing score at 29.77 and a mean post-test passing score at 35.17, an average passing pre- test score at 32.13 and an average passing post-test score at 35.89 with an Asymp-Sig.(2-tailed) value of 0.000 < 0.005. These results indicate that there is a difference between pre-test and post-test. Based on the results of this analysis, it can be concluded that the forearm and overhead passing skills of the eighth grade students improve after learning volleyball.
KEYWORDS:learning, volleyball, skills, passing, students
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