1Hassan Elsan Mansaray,2Dr. Victor Tamba Simbay Kabba,3Prof. Hebert Borboh Kandeh,4Dr. Abdulai Sillah
1Department of Human Resource and Management, Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM), University of Sierra Leone
2,3Institute of Geography and Development Studies, School of Environmental Sciences, Njala University
4Institute of Geography and Development Studies, School of Environmental Sciences, Njala University; Bank of Sierra Leone
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i7-30Google Scholar Download Pdf
To effectively determine the environmental and social impacts of mining on local communities in Tankoro chiefdom, the researcher applied a mixed methods research methodology to perform the study. The study applied methods in the data collection that consist of, questionnaire interviews through Kobo Collect and focus group discussion. The sample size was 393 respondents. The study discovered that the local communities where the mining activities are carried out suffer negative effects on the environment together with the society. Nevertheless, Koidu Holdings had tried to decrease the negative impacts of mining operations on the affected communities due to uncompromising concerns among the affected communities. It had also constructed new markets, a Primary Health Unit (PHU), building of relocated schools, renovation of old schools, provided scholarships to students at all academic levels and has supported schools with educational resources as well as dug some boreholes, mainly in Kanniya resettlement community, which served as a drinkable water, to help reduce the sternness of water crisis.
KEYWORDS:Mining, Environment, Social, Minerals, Communities.
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