1Slamet Panuntun,2Yoannes Romando Sipayung
1Islamic Education, STAI Walisembilan of Semarang, Ki Mangunsarkoro Street No. 17, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
2 S1 Informatics Engineering, Ngudi Waluyo University, Diponegoro Street No. 186, Ngablak, Gedanganak, East Ungaran District, Semarang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i7-20Google Scholar Download Pdf
Essentially, technology can make things easier for humans to do. Government agencies, companies, and other institutions use technology, including educational institutions. During the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the technologies that has been widely discussed so far, the metaverse, emerged. The metaverse has great potential in the field of education. By leveraging the metaverse, educational institutions can create virtual environments that include elements such as Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. In Indonesia, the metaverse concept and its application in education are still in the development and exploration stages. Metaverse can be used as a platform for holding lectures and teaching virtually. The application of the metaverse in higher education is still being developed and researched to better understand the potential and associated challenges. However, with the development of technology that continues to develop, the metaverse can be an innovative way to enhance the learning experience. The method used in this study was a qualitative method based on a literature review. Articles were obtained from Google Scholar or Harzing's Publish or Perish application. The process of searching for articles used the keywords "metaverse", "metaverse education", and "metaverse in higher education". There were 15 scientific articles obtained from various national journals, spanning 2020-2023. The obtained articles were then analyzed using the Bibliometric method. The bibliometric method can assist researchers to better understand the contents of the bibliography, as well as the directions and trends discussed in each article that has been collected.
KEYWORDS:Metaverse, Education, Higher Education
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