Dr. Jamal Uddin Choudhury
Assistant Professor, Political Science, Patharkandi College, Karimganj, Assam, India, 788724
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i7-02Google Scholar Download Pdf
Illegal migration is a complex issue that has garnered significant attention in India, leading to myths and misconceptions surrounding the phenomenon. This article aims to unravel the realities of illegal migration in India by examining its various facets and shedding light on the facts. By addressing key myths related to religious affiliation, national security, resource drain, and border control, this article provides a balanced perspective on the subject. Furthermore, the article explores the impact of illegal migration on Indian society, including its socio-economic dynamics, strain on infrastructure, and cultural diversity. The importance of comprehensive policies that encompass border management, socio-economic inclusivity, and collaboration with neighboring countries is emphasized. By navigating the complexities of illegal migration in India, it is possible to foster informed discussions and develop effective strategies for addressing this multifaceted issue.
KEYWORDS:Illegal migration, Complex phenomenon, Socio-economic factors, Vulnerabilities, Challenges, Economic impact, Political instability, Humanitarian circumstances, Human trafficking, Smuggling networks.
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