1Thi Huong Phung,2Van Luan Nguen
1,2University of Labour and Social Affairs, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i6-74Google Scholar Download Pdf
Applying the systematic review method, we found 28 studies on satisfaction with training quality. Screening and excluding inappropriate studies, we have 10 studies that are used for analysis in this article. The results of the analysis show satisfaction studies conducted at an educational institution or a particular discipline. The convenience sampling method along with data collection techniques by email and direct survey is the method used by many selection studies. The type of research the authors used is mainly a cross-sectional study combining quantitative and qualitative. Through the analysis of reliability tests, exploratory factor analysis and multivariable regression, the authors have assessed the impact of these factors on learners' satisfaction with the quality of training create. Through these studies, we find that the factor "Training program" is the factor that has the strongest impact on learners' satisfaction and satisfaction is not affected by characteristics such as gender, age, and other characteristics other points of the learner. Finally, we also noted that in Vietnam, there is no unified model built based on the set of criteria for evaluating the training quality of the Ministry of Education and Training. Therefore, education and training management institutions and experts in this field need to research to come up with an optimal model for assessing satisfaction with the quality of training for learners.
KEYWORDS:satisfaction, learners, training quality, higher education institutions, Vietnam
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