1Ambareta Imulia Pratiwi,2Nawiroh Vera
1,2Faculty of Communication & Creative Design, Budi Luhur University Jl. Ciledug Raya, Petukangan Utara, Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12260, Indonesia.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i6-69Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to find out the meaning of student audiences in Jakarta and Tangerang on the mythical message of prohibiting going out at sunset (Maghrib) in the film "Sandekala".The research approach used the qualitative approach with the reception analysis method by Stuart Hall. Stuart Hall's Reception Analysis Theory (Encoding-Decoding) has a model with three categories: Dominant Position, Negotiated Position, and Oppositional Position. The data collection technique in this research used in-depth interviews with ten informants. The research results show the shared meaning of the mythical messages about the Maghrib exit ban in the film Sandekala is different. It happens because the decoding that informants produce varies according to factors of gender, age, religion, ethnicity and culture. There are other factors, such as the level of individual beliefs in myths in society, especially the Maghrib exit ban. The study concludes that ten informants and eight questions in this research obtained thirty-six shared meanings of Dominant Position, seventeen of Negotiated Position and twenty-seven of Oppositional position to the mythical messages of the Maghrib exit ban in the film Sandekala. In this study, as a whole, the most shared meaning is found in the dominant position. In other words, Jakarta and Tangerang students, as active audiences, can interpret the content and messages of the myth about the Maghrib exit ban in the Film Sandekala following what the text producer gave in the film.
KEYWORDS:Reception Analysis, Myth of Going out Avoidance during Maghrib time, Film Sandekala, Creatures.
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