• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840


Proposing a Research Model of Factors Affecting Compliance with the Law on Social Insurance of Non-State Enterprises in Vietnam
1Thi Xuan Huong Le,2Thi Thu Ha Bui,3Thi Hong Quyen Mai
1,2,3Faculty of Insurance, University of Labour and Social Affairs
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i6-68

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In this study, the authors proposed a model to study the factors affecting compliance with the law on social insurance of non-state enterprises in Vietnam. The study uses a combination of document review methods, traditional statistical and analytical methods for secondary sources of agencies and organizations, and qualitative research methods (in-depth interviews with research subjects); the research team has screened and selected the main factors suitable to the research context, proposed a research model of factors affecting the level of compliance with the law on social insurance of non-state enterprises in Vietnam. The research model is built including six independent variables (the possibility of being inspected and examined by social insurance, penalties for violations of social insurance, social influence, corporate finance, corporate reputation, social insurance policies, and procedures) and a dependent variable (compliance with the law on social insurance of non-state enterprises). The results of this study are the basis and the premise for the next formal quantitative studies.


model, influencing factors, legal compliance, social insurance, non-state enterprises.


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