1Yasin Mohamed Ibrahim,2Bisharo Hassan Wali Adam,3Osman Hassan Ali
1,2,3Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences and Tropical Medicine, Somali National University, Mogadishu, Somalia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i6-58Google Scholar Download Pdf
Pregnancy in a female under the age of 19 is referred to as teenage pregnancy or adolescent pregnancy. Due to the detrimental effects on the prospective bride and her offspring, teenage pregnancy has been referred to as a breach of human rights and a destructive practice. This paper investigates the knowledge and problems encountered during teenage pregnancy in Afgoi District, and the important implications for effective teenage pregnancy interventions. In the Afgoi District, this crosssectional study was carried out. Information was gathered from 150 teenagers. The data that was gathered thrown the use of the questionnaires that the respondents answered comprised determined the characteristics of the respondents, the extent of knowledge on early pregnancy among the respondents, and problems encountered about the experience of adolescent pregnancy. After analysing our data, we found; In about (PS=47.33) of the respondents were moderately knowledgeable about knowledge of Pregnancy and problems encountered. The current study found; (PS=45.33) of the respondents were moderately knowledgeable of Teenagers are more susceptible than mothers of average age to high blood pressure associated with pregnancy and its complications. However, the majority of the respondents are slightly knowledgeable that Smoking during pregnancy has been found to diminish birth weight and result in premature birth in babies (PS=20.67), while drugs and alcohol can have highly harmful effects on a mother and her unborn child (PS=22%).We found that most of the respondents sometimes encounter physical problems namely bleeding (WM=3.18); low Birth Weight (WM=2.99); premature birth (WM=2.93); miscarriage (WM=2.84); and hypertension (WM=2.62). Age, marital status, educational attainment, and source of income were positively correlated with the knowledge and Problem encountered in Teenage Pregnancy. Teenagers knew moderately about pregnancy and the issues that can arise during it. The majority of respondents also had a basic understanding that smoking during pregnancy has been found to lower birth weight and result in premature birth in babies, as well as the severe impact that drugs and alcohol may have on a mother and her unborn child. Age, marital status, educational attainment, and source of income were positively correlated with the knowledge and Problem encountered in Teenage Pregnancy. Therefore, in order to increase young teenagers' understanding of pregnancy, it is crucial to design a policy that outlines the promotion of educational awareness and improve their awareness of it through health education programs.
KEYWORDS:Pregnancy in Adolescence, Abortion, Human Rights, Female, Pregnancy Complications, Early Marriage
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