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Risk Reduction to Increase the Safety of Processes in the Obstetric Structure
Svetlana Radeva
Medical University of Varna - Faculty of Public Health Specialized hospital of obstetrics and gynecology for active treatment – Varna, Bulgaria
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i6-56

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The definition of risk in the obstetric structure and its impact on a particular health phenomenon determines the model of work aimed at increasing safety for patients and staff. Preventable events are used as a measure of problems in different sectors, in the organization of work, which also determines the behavior of managers from different hierarchical levels. These are events that would not have happened if there were no strong exposure to a factor or gaps in standard health interventions in obstetric care.
Methods: a survey was conducted among medical persons in obstetric structures of the city of Varna. The data is processed using statistical software. Results and discussion: significant results relevant to the definition of risks in obstetric practice have been identified. Proper management of risk situations requires an impact on the causes of complications, which increases the quality of the medical service and ensures patient safety. More than 80% of the risks are determined by acute complications during pregnancy and childbirth, by the urgency and time to manage them.
Conclusion: obstetric care requires a continuous audit of the activities, structure and resources and the application of written rules for all possible and rare situations, consistent with the established guidelines and rules of Conduct, which ensure patient safety and workplace safety for employees, in accordance with the legal framework defining medical practice.


risk, obstetrics, responsibilities, audit, quality.


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