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Evaluating the Quality of Indonesian English Teachers’ Research Reports on the Guru Berbagi Platform
1Diyenti Rusdin,2Marzuki
1,2Universitas Madako Tolitoli, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i6-55

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This study aimed to evaluate the quality of research-based activities reported by English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers on the Guru Berbagi Platform, using the Six-Trait writing method developed by Spandel and Stiggins (1990). Employing a descriptive qualitative research methodology, four articles were scrutinized for this investigation. The analysis uncovered a range of methodologies applied by the teachers in their research activities, all targeted towards exploring language learning and teaching. Certain areas identified for improvement in writing quality were the need for more supporting evidence, improved word choices, inclusion of conclusive sections, varied sentence structures, and enhanced attention to writing conventions. This study underlined the importance of ongoing professional development for EFL teachers, especially in areas such as effective academic writing techniques and argumentation supported by solid evidence. However, this study had certain limitations such as a small sample size and potential subjective interpretation of the articles, attributed to the qualitative nature of the research. Future research is encouraged to encompass a larger, more diverse selection of articles and integrate a rubric-based evaluation to yield more objective and reproducible results. Participation in peer-review processes was also suggested for teachers to promote enhancement in their writing skills and overall content quality.


English Teacher Research Reports, Guru Berbagi Platform, Writing Skills of Indonesian EFL Teachers


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