Canet, Lena
Bulacan State University
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This study looked at how managing organizational cultural diversity affects restaurant employees' performance. The study's main objective is to provide in-depth information about workplace cultural diversity. It seeks to create a precise set of rules to help organizations all over the world embrace cultural diversity. The respondents' demographic profile, including their gender, age, religion, ethnicity, race, and civil status, was successfully evaluated by the researchers using a questionnaire. This information is crucial for assessing the respondents' differences and how those differences affect their performance at work. The Likert Scale Method is used by the researchers to gauge the respondents' level of agreement with each statement provided in order to determine how cultural diversity affects productivity at work. The study explores how cultural diversity affects employees' performance and productivity, how employees view their organization's management strategy for managing cultural diversity, and how employees' experiences with cultural diversity in the workplace. According to the study, women make up the majority of respondents, who are between the ages of 20 and 30, among those who work in restaurants. The majority of respondents, according to the study, are Roman Catholic, Tagalog, and Asian. Regarding their civil status, all of the respondents are single. On the other hand, the majority of respondents considered their restaurant fosters teamwork by allowing diverse employees to share ideas and knowledge in order to find the best way to solve a problem, resulting in a better outcome on tasks. When it comes to respondents' level of agreement, the majority of respondents believe that organizational cultural diversity benefits restaurant employees' productivity. According to the study's findings, cultural diversity management training or education may enhance workers' performance at work. They will be better able to identify their own strengths and weaknesses if they have an understanding of cultural diversity. When a workplace is managed effectively, it promotes the growth of new ideas, knowledge, abilities, and working methods. The success and profitability of an organization are also influenced by cultural diversity, and productivity is increased in an environment free from cultural prejudice.
KEYWORDS:Employee engagement, employee performance, cultural diversity, organizational culture, restaurant employees
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