1Nurul Hidayatul Isnaini,2Ahmad Nasrulloh,3Yustinus Sukarmin,4Bernadeta Suhartini,5Widiyanto
1,2,3,4,5Department of Sport Science, Faculty of Sport and Health Science, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta,Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i6-47Google Scholar Download Pdf
In randori Shorinji Kempo, various variations of attacks are used to get a high number of scores. Mawashi-Geri is the kick most often used by kenshi. Mawashi-Geri has the privilege of a certain randori due to her strong capacity to obtain higher match score scores. The purpose of this study is to collect accurate information and data about the examination or analysis of the speed, precision, biomechanics of Mawashi-Geri kicks, angles of body segments, as well as how to perform them. The subjects of this study were four athletes with different amounts of body weight. This research was conducted using descriptive research type analysis with qualitative and quantitative methods. A qualitative approach was used to describe the biomechanical phase of the Mawashi-Geri kick. While the quantitative approach using the Kinovea software program is related to measuring the angle of body parts, the speed of motion of the Mawashi-Geri kick biomechanics, measurements and calculations are presented systematically to facilitate understanding and drawing conclusions. From the results of research and discussion as well as expert judgment decisions, it can be concluded the speed, accuracy and angle of body segments, it can be said that the kick of Mawashi-Geri kenshi Shorinji Kempo Jambi province with the fastest biomechanical average speed is kenshi B Kicking biomekanics with the first speed is 24m/s, for Mawashi-Geri's slowest biomechanical kick is kenshi A's biomechanics from the second kick, at a speed of 13.5m/s. As for the speed of hitting the target momentary kick with one kick, the biomechanical speed of the first kick kenshi C is 76.2m/s, and the slowest is the biomechanical kenshi A fourth kick, which has a speed of 45.8 m/s. The results of angular analysis of each segment's body of the subject during the biomechanical process of the Mawashi-Geri kick showed the angle of the leg opening between and 128,2 and 142,8 degrees. And the angle of inclination of the body is between 146.0 and 158.9 degrees. The angle of rotation of the pedestal leg is between 119.4 and 178.9 degrees, and the biomechanics of the hip and foot to kick in between 96.3 and 135.6 degrees. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that excessive angles have little effect on the biomechanics of Mawashi-Geri's kick slowdown. However, with the angle of inclination of the body and the rotation of the footrest, as well as the biomechanical rotation of the hips and feet when kicking, the angle of the leg opening will be more optimal.
KEYWORDS:Analysis, Biomechanics, Kick Motion, Mawashi-Geri, Shorinji Kempo.
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