English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i6-43Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research paper discusses the central figure of the anti-colonial resistence female battler around male- dominated strugglers and soldiers for the country freedom movement in Ernest Hemingway’s literary work entitled For Whom the Bell Tolls. The writer uses post-colonial feminism approach by analyzing the binary opposition to reveal the role difference between the superior men and the inferior woman amidst the guerrilla war environment. The result of this research shows that the anti-colonial resistence female battler, Pilar, has a major role and position to get involved in the battlefield against Fascist colonizers. Amidst the guerilla war environment, Pilar struggles hard to existentially show her position as a real female battler against men domination either her husband, American man, or Fascist soldiers in Spain. Pilar is able to live in mountains, caves, and other rocky places in facing fascist soldiers. Pilar is also able to play a significant role to take over the leadership of the anti- colonial band in blowing the bridge in the war. Pilar shows her cleverness in conceptualizing a war strategic planning in front of the male strugglers. Pilar is stereotyped as a courageous, rational, consistent, sensitive female battler with daily house work as a house wife amidst the guerilla war environment.
KEYWORDS:female battler, post-colonial feminism, guerrilla war environment, binary opposition, Pilar’s stereotype
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