1Ni Nyoman Yuliarmi,2Ni Putu Martini Dewi,3I Putu Hedi Sasrawan
1,2,3Faculty of Economy and Business, Udayana University, Jl. P.B Sudirman – Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i6-40Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research aims at: 1) analyzing the effect of human resource, funding resource, social capital, and market infrastructure on community market’s merchants’ empowerment in Denpasar City, 2) analyzing the effect of human resource, funding resource, social capital, market infrastructure, and empowerment on community market’s merchants’ well-being in Denpasar City, 3) analysing empowerment mediating the effect of human resource, funding resource, social capital, and market infrastructure on community market’s merchants’ well-being in Denpasar City. The sample of this study was 193 people from 3,734 merchants as the population. The sampling technique employed stratified random sampling based on the subdistrict and the sample of this study was interviewed using accidental sampling technique. Data analysis technique used was path analysis using SEM PLS. The results of the analysis conclude that: 1) human resource, funding resource, social capital, and market infrastructure influenced positively and significantly toward community market’s merchants’ empowerment in Denpasar City, 2) funding resource, market infrastructure, and empowerment influenced positively and significantly toward community market’s merchants’ well-being in Denpasar City. However, human resource and social capital influenced positively but insignificantly toward community market’s merchants’ well-being in Denpasar City, 3) empowerment mediated partially the effect of funding resource and market infrastructure towards well-being and mediated fully the effect of human resource and social capital towards community market’s merchants’ well-being in Denpasar City.
KEYWORDS:social capital, funding resource, market infrastructure, empowerment, well-being
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