1Hoang Khanh Van,2Tran Thi Du,3Vu Thuy Duong
1,2University of Labour and Social Affairs, Hanoi, Vietnam
3Trade Union University, Hanoi, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i6-36Google Scholar Download Pdf
The authors investigated and evaluated the factors affecting cost-based pricing in pharmaceutical enterprises in Hanoi. Data were surveyed and collected from 77 pharmaceutical enterprises in Hanoi in 2023 and analyzed using statistical tools. Pharmaceutical enterprises in Hanoi include large-sized enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises. Survey subjects are mainly business administrators and accountants. The survey results show that there are three factors affecting the cost-based pricing method in pharmaceutical enterprises in Hanoi: (1) the degree of influence in price determination sales; (2) cost information; and (3) market share. Based on the obtained results, the authors present new proposals for applying cost management accounting methods to product pricing in pharmaceutical enterprises in Hanoi. Research also shows that businesses should invest in a cost management accounting system to provide information useful to managers in making product pricing decisions, especially when cost information is an important factor that has the strongest influence on the method of product pricing in pharmaceutical enterprises in Hanoi.
KEYWORDS:Cost-based pricing, pharmaceutical enterprises, Hanoi
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