Dr Meenakshi Kharb
Assistant Professor, Management Education & Research Institute, New Delhi
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i6-03Google Scholar Download Pdf
In the age of digitization, consumers are tuned to their mobile’s phones, it is imperative to study the role of influencers
in promoting local business. The Prime Minister Narendra Modi also added the term ATAMANIRBHAR BHARAT on 17 May 2022,
which means self-reliance. We Indians again need to proliferate, ‘The Swadeshi Moment’ and make our country self-reliant in
almost every walk of life. ‘Be Indian, Buy Indian’ needs to be instilled in the minds of the Indian consumers with spirit of love
towards the nation. (Atamanirbharbharat, 2022)
This Government initiative to be ‘Vocal for Local’, create awareness and encourage to the local retailers. This will help
lot of Indian companies which are having strong consumer base and presence in Indian market has started integrating ‘vocal for
local’ themes across all marketing drives. The focus is on the promoting the products with a strong message of ‘Made in India’.
The concept of Vocal to Local, is promoting Indian products in the Indian markets through persuading marketing so that the Indian
consumers imprudent behaviour can be tested. (Srivastava, 2020)
Influencers generate a lot of engagement with their content. Digital marketing influencers are the persons who are
considered experts within their niche and endorse various products and carry out promotions for brands and their clients. They
have a dedicated social following that has been built with time and trust. The objective of the paper is to explore and review the
role of influencers in Indian consumer market.
Vocal for Local, Digital Influencers, consumers, Perception
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