1Daru Adi Wijaya,2Guntur,3Abdul Alim,4Rumpis Agus Sudarko,5Wahyu Dwi Yulianto
1,2,3,4,5Department of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i6-26Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to evaluate the futsal club program using the CIPP model (context, input process & product) with a qualitative approach and an interactive analysis model from Miles & Huberman. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach method. The object of evaluation is SKN FC Kebumen. Six participants were deliberately selected as interview participants. Data collection was carried out as follows: (1) making indirect observations; observing news about the object of evaluation, direct observation; observing activities in the mess and team exercises (2) conducting documentation, (3) conducting interviews with six participants. The instrument was validated by using ‘expert judgment’. Success criteria evaluate each CIPP variable with three categories: good, fair, and poor. With the CIPP analysis combined with a comprehensive approach, the evaluation results in terms of context include vision and mission and the club’s goals in living the league is included in th e “fair” category. In terms of input, which includes recruiting players and coaches is in the “good” category. Regarding the process, which includes implementing training programs, provision, use, maintenance of facilities and infrastructure, and funding is included in the “fair” category. In terms of products, which include positive and negative results, alignment of goals with costs and achievements generated, program success, and programs that can be continued is in the “good” category.
KEYWORDS:CIPP Evaluation, Coaching, Futsal
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