Juhora Jamin Juha
Ph.D. researcher, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet
Assistant Professor Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Leading University Kamalbazar, Sylhet
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i6-24Google Scholar Download Pdf
The research intends to identify whether MNP should be considered a threat to current market leader in the telecom industry and why mobile subscribers accept this innovative service. The researcher studied the reasons for taking this service using the primary empirical research method using 385 samples selected through snowballing. The technology acceptance model is the theoretical basis. Regression and factor analysis results show that customers accept the innovative service due to their perceived value creation, which incurs purchase intention. Perceived usefulness, perceived cost, and perceived ease of getting this service have added value creation and influenced customers’ purchase intention. Future studies could be done to identify post-purchase satisfaction of customers and also the steps taken by telecom companies in Bangladesh or any other country where it is recently introduced. Originality and value: The concept of Mobile number portability is an innovation itself in Bangladesh. Significant studies have not been done on this concern; this research will put some clarity on the situation and future direction on this area of research. This research is solely conducted by the researcher and it is an original study.
KEYWORDS:Mobile Number Portability (MNP); Telecom Industry; Innovation, TAM, Switching cost; Value creation; Retention.
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