Dr Esha Jainiti
Associate Professor, Amity School of Communication Amity University Haryana
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i6-23Google Scholar Download Pdf
The paper aims to explore the translation of violence from textual sources to the screen and its implications for human rights violations. The art forms we create are a product of our collective memories of experiences. Whereas many other forms of expression produce still images that need to be viewed, read or heard to get an impact and reaction. Cinema as a moving visual art brings together likeminded people to create visuals that immediately attract all segments of our society. The reactions are often generated instantly and spreads through various social media platforms, generating much debate and heat. The social imbalances between man and woman have been subjects of many novels and stories. The different power equations between different castes have also been focused at times. Despite making much progress – both in terms of social movements and legal provisions, domestic violence still persists in India. It is rather on the rise in India posing a great concern for the human rights activists. Whereas the verbal texts have had limited effects in raising our consciousness, once transferred into life-like visuals, women become visibly matters of objectification. Most stop at raising the gender issues as their critiques. The research utilizes a multimodal approach, considering both the visual and verbal elements of film texts. By understanding the significance of film as a medium and its impact on viewers, this study provides insights into the intersection of cinema, society, and human rights.
KEYWORDS:Domestic Violence, Human Rights, Cinema and Society, Social Issues and Films
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