1Asdlori,2M. A. Hermawan
1,2UIN Prof. KH. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i6-18Google Scholar Download Pdf
Currently, madrasah have become educational institutions that have competitiveness so that they attract people's interest to send their children to study in madrasah. This is the fruit of institutional transformation as a result of the education system in Indonesia. The same thing happened in MAN 2 Wonosobo. This madrasah have now become high school educational institutions that are not only growing rapidly but also become the community's main choice. This study wants to discuss in depth the process of institutional transformation that occurs in the madrasah, whether the transformation erodes the characteristics of the madrasah or strengthens the distinction of the madrasah as an Islamic educational institution. The results of this study indicate that MAN 2 Wonosobo have undergone a process of institutional transformation as a consequence of the enactment of the National Education System Law. The result of this transformation is that the madrasah become schools with Islamic characteristics. However, this transformation does not eliminate the characteristics of the madrasah as strong tafaqquh fiddiin Islamic educational institutions with studies and values of Islamic teachings. The vision of the madrasah has an influence on the orientation of the institutional development of the madrasah. MAN 2 Wonosobo has the orientation of strengthening the values of the madrasah by strengthening the concept of pesantren and developing the institutional vision as a national excellent madrasah.
KEYWORDS:transformation of madrasah, distinction of madrasah, tafaqquh fiddiin
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