• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840


Corn (Zea Mays) and Banana (Musa Acuminata) Flour Nutri-Bun
Armeiza B. Pajarillo
College of Education, Isabela State University- Echague, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i6-17

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The study focused on the development and marketability of corn and banana flour nutri-bun using corn flour, banana peel flour, banana flesh flour and banana blossom flour which can be readily found in the locality. This product development research included four major phases; (1) development of corn and banana flour nutri-bun, (2) Determination of the nutri-bun’s nutritive value, (3) determination of the level of acceptability of corn and banana flour nutri-bun, and (4) determination of the level of marketability of corn and banana flour nutri-bun. The level of acceptability of the finished products in terms of appearance/color, aroma, taste and texture was determined through a sensory evaluation by four different groups of respondents: Food experts and non-experts both male and female. The nutritive content of corn and banana peel flour nutri-bun, corn and banana flesh flour nutri-bun, corn and banana blossom flour nutri-bun corn and banana four nutri-bun were determined through a test by the Department of Agriculture (DA), Tuguegarao City, Cagayan. The laboratory results were interpreted by Nutritionist-Dieticians to determine whether the products were fit for human consumption.
Results of the study revealed that Sample 1, 2 and 3 described by the respondents as “moderately acceptable”. Meanwhile, Sample 4 described by the respondents as “highly acceptable”.
On the other hand, the level of marketability in terms of consumer demands, supply availability, and production cost described by the respondents were “strongly agree”.
However, no significant difference were found in the level of acceptability of corn and banana flour nutri-bun as evaluated by the respondents.
The shelf-life of banana peel powder is three months, same with the banana blossom powder and corn flour. However, the banana flesh powder can be stored up to one month and three weeks. The nutri-bun products can be stored and best consumed until seven days from the production date.


Acceptability, Banana Fruit, Banana Blossom, Marketability, Nutritive Analysis, Shelf Life


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