1Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus – Indonesia, ID Scopus 57209737946
2Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus – Indonesia, ID Scopus 57218199701
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i6-16Google Scholar Download Pdf
The economic growth in a country is also influenced by the education. In the perspective of production function, educational institution with various activities can be categorized into a gigantic industry because of its massive resources and human resources involved. In the perspective of economy, educational activities cover two dimensions, consumption (short- term) and investment (long-term). The ongoing educational process will trigger the economic growth and at the same time, the learning young generations are exposed with the new knowledge and skills existed in the future which will become the driving force to the development of a country. Based on this understanding, it is okay to say that the development indicators of a country can be seen from the system and the implementation of its education. Liking it or not, the educational institution with the activities has become the industry with the economic paradigm. The shift of the paradigm is not without any cause, in order to make education not only exists but also stays on the front row in advancing the community - country. The principle of “managing education in business way but not turning education into business” became very relevant in the context of making educational institution developed and modern which meet the context and needs.
KEYWORDS:Economy, Education, and Economic Growth.
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